Monday, September 29, 2014

Crafting Days: I heart U card

I wanted to try something different for handmade cards this time around and I had seen some cards on Pinterest that used embroidery thread as accents. The idea was very simple but the process did take some time since I hand punched all of the holes needed for the pattern.

First I printed out a heart and added the letters. I made sure the sizing was fine when compared to the card and taped it down onto the back of a magazine. Using a sewing pin, I poked holes along the outlines as evenly as I could.

After all of the holes were done, I used needle and thread and sewed randomly through the holes, while making sure that the letters were recognizable.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Crafting Days!: Stamp Catalog

So I don't have that many stamps but I am starting to a get a bit worried that I would buy the same ones on my weekly trips (shh don't tell my husband) to Michaels. After being on Pinterest for such a long time, I have seen a lot of people who catalog their stamps so that they can see what they have and to make it easier for them to choose the right one.

I figured since that I don't have that many right now, it would be a smart idea to start now before I bought more and go out of hand (shhh don't tell my husband ;)). With the amount of stamps I have, it still took me a 3-4 hours to sort, stamp, and clean all of them.

In the end, I ended up with 10 pages and I even scanned them in and uploaded it to Google Drive so that I can access them on the go! Now I don't have to worry about buying the same stamps now!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Crafting Days: Custom Toms!

One day at a friends house, I was web surfing through Etsy looking for random things to buy and I came across a woman who painted custom Toms. I saw that she sold one that were of Disney's Stitch and thought, "I CAN DO THAT MYSELF!". So here we are, with a little tutorial/step by step of how I did it!

  • A pair of Toms. I chose white so that I wouldn't have to worry about painting
  • Paint
  • Pencil
  • Sealant/finishing spray


1. Open the box of Toms!

2. Draw your design using pencil.

3. PAINT!!!!!!

4. Seal it, yea... seal it good. (make sure you do it outside haha) I did get a bit dizzy from the spray, just FYI.

5. Wait to dry and then wear them!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Crafting days: Buttons galore

On August 30th, Kollaboration NY had it's showcase (my post about it will be up later) and in preparation, I made 200 buttons that were used that day. They were placed in our VIP ticket holders swag bags as well as used to promote our brand at our booth. 

The buttons didn't take too long to make. With some help I was able to make all of them within 2hours. Luckily I have the Cameo otherwise cutting the 200 graphics would have taken forever! Oh, by the way.. I have a button maker ;)